Things with Wings

Initially the goal was to produce a collection with one poem per doodle. As the “I Doodle, You ’Ku” challenge continued, I started to receive comments such as, “I don’t know how you’re going to pick just one!” Although some matches came easily, I was quickly beginning to share the sentiment. I frequently reviewed the poems, added and took away from my list of favorites, and left some for another day. I wanted to keep the collaborative spirit of March alive and showcase a range of voices, which made it even more difficult to choose among so many amazing poems. Finally, I realized that no, I couldn’t pick just one to pair with each doodle. Although I did finally settle on one poem to pair with each doodle, I allowed myself to also include up to five additional poems written in response to the doodles.

I remained hands-off during March when posting the doodles, but I want everyone who participated to know that I read every poem every day. I’m still touched by the community and communication that built around these doodles, and how everyone was so kind to one another, how they tried their best (even when playing around) and came back for more day after day, doodle after doodle (and occasionally going back to a doodle to add more).

In short: thank you. Doodleku on.

Aubrie Cox
23 June, 2012

Download Things with Wings PDF*

*Technical note: Typically, I try my best to make these collections printer-friendly. However, due to the size of the doodles (I draw tiny!), it was difficult to get everything the same scale, so this PDF is mostly formatted for primarily digital viewing. Illustrations may be pixelated when printed or when zoomed in too closely.

17 thoughts on “Things with Wings

  1. snowbirdpress says:

    What a marvelous gift, Aubrie! You even drew my dream-catcher exactly as it is on my bedroom wall… Each day the dream promised is fulfilled in the river of love of good friends. So many thanks I can’t count them!!!

    1. Ellen, thank you for your kind words! I love making things that bring everyone else joy—I hope this really does meet the re-readability standard. —Aubrie

  2. Way way way too much fun! From the first page to the last, a smile on my face. Thank you, Aubrie, for giving more than enough to smile about on this very hot summer day. Best, Maggie

    1. Chrissi, I’m honored to have you as part of it! These collections wouldn’t be possible without willing participants. 😉 Hoping all your days are sunny.

  3. Delightful. I remember a few of these, but missed most. A very nice collection with very good writing–thank you for the sharing. I’ll try to jump in from the start next year. 🙂

  4. […] her favorites for each day, and put together what is, imho, the best of her collections to date: “Things with Wings”. I am pleased to have 14 haiku included in this collection, including one that is paired with […]

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