Tea with Trolls

So, remember all those nagging little notes about trolls and tea?

“Tea with Trolls” is now online.

Go have a look. You know you want to. And be sure to thank all who contributed to the post. It wouldn’t have happened without them!

Hope your Halloween has been fun, safe, and spooky!

Tea with Trolls

You are cordially invited…

For tea!

With trolls.

Given my most recent doodleku, it was only a matter of time.

I’ve been watching Melissa’s posts on Red Dragonfly since she started doing the collections such as with mushroom haiku and dragonfly haiku and have been thinking to myself, “… I’d like to do one with tea.” I love writing about tea, you see. It’s not exactly an uncommon subject of poetry, but I don’t think it’s overdone either.

But then I realized it was October. Although I haven’t written very many, I do soever love troll ‘ku as well, and any time I write about trolls, I seem to always incorporate tea. (Allow me to present Exhibits A and B.) So, of course, the only sane thing to do would be to bring the two together for a monster mash on All Hallow’s Eve.

I want your haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, renku, haibun, small stones, etc about tea, trolls and tea, just trolls, or any sort of monsters with or without tea. Send previously published work or not. Both okay, but keep in mind any you send and that are posted will be then considered published by the majority of the community. Send as many as you would like by October 29th, though I will likely take up to 5 for posting. You’re guaranteed at least one poem just for having submitted. Then, on Halloween, I will make a post with everyone’s work. It’s sure to be a treat.

So to sum thing’s up:

Theme/What to write about: Tea and/or monsters.

What form: Haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, gogyōka, renku, haibun, haiga (doodles most welcome!), or small stones

How many: As many as you want! I will take as many as 5 and no less than 1.

When: Send them in by Saturday, October 29th (I will wait until the whole world has reached the 30th); I will post them on this blog October 31st.

Where to send: Either leave a comment to this post or send an email to aubriecox [at] gmail [dot] com!

Other important stuff:
Things you should keep in mind/include:

• Most journals will consider these works published

• If your work is already published, include the publishing credits (it’s kind of important and
a nice thing to do)

• You, as the writer/artist/poet/etc, retain the rights to you work before and after it appears on my blog.

• If you want me to link back, please send along the name and link of your blog/Twitter account/website/etc! Also, make sure your have your name listed as you would like for it to appear.

You are cordially invited…